the nobel prize is going to be MINE!

searching for a new TV with girlfriend…
english wednesdaythursday


  1. bin begeistert von diesem neuartigen modell. schicks zur intergalaktischen behörde auf alpha centauri. möchte wissen, was die davon halten ^^

  2. Versteh ich nicht (die Formeln!). Muss ich Morgen gleich Frustkaufen gehen.

    Wie schreibt man eigentlich das Tim Taylor’sche Grunzen?! Das wäre nun passend!

  3. Hey JoJo, schau der Realität ins Auge. Auch wenn du versuchst das Einkaufsverhalten geschlechtsreifer Großstädter wissenschaftlich zu analysieren, kommt es doch am Ende immer wieder auf einen Nenner:
    Die Frau entscheidet am Ende, was gekauft wird (meist aufgrund des Designs und wie es sich das Gerät in die Wohnungsgestaltung einfügt. Technisches Schnickschnack ist da völlig unwichtig :)

  4. Pingback: Dia-Blog » Blog Archive » Random!

  5. Kann Samsung sehr empfehlen. Seit gut einer Woche schmückt ein schöner 94er LCD unser Wohnzimmer. Sehr schönes Bild, einfach klasse.

  6. Das ist ganz schön diskriminierend, da einzelne Faktoren hormonell bedingt sind und diesbezüglich nicht vom Geschlecht abhängen müssen. Es sei denn, du definierst male und female nicht über die primären Geschlechtsmerkmale :)

  7. Eine konstruktive Sünde sind bloß die Rollen an der Leiter. Dass dann noch jemand so weit oben stehen kann, will ich sehen. Wenn schon Rollen dann um 90 Grad gedreht. (um die Vertikalachse) ;-)

  8. @ednong: f(y) ist das gleiche wie f(x), nur halt für y statt x :-)
    Die Formel heißt einfach: Männer kaufen dasjenige Gerät aus den zur Verfügung stehenden, das maximales f(x) aufweist.

  9. weight loss Recipe|Formula|Menu|Recipke|Recipe ingredients} – How to Prepare an Easy and Flavorful Hemp

    This location is in main Spain southern region of The town renowned world-wide for the activities of Don Quixote tilting with windmills. It is a region regarding extremes using bitterly cold really agitates blowing all over an enormous high plateau in the extremely chilly winters and blisteringly hot dried up summers.

    To find to know more in relation to saffron, read the portion below. You will be amazed at the things you thought anyone knew, the ones you failed to.

    Interestingly, this kind of place have been flourishing as a possible art middle from the lengthiest time. Even till not too long ago, this location enjoyed good patronage of natives who loved art and it still proceeds to do so.

    Immediately after harvest time, the particular farmers distinct the reddish stigma and roast them on a sieve – this delivers the saffron we all use for food preparation, fabric coloring and medicinal purposes. In the capital of scotland- Consuegra, the Fiesta de l . a . Rosa del Azafran celebrates the end of collecting season. Each year at the end of October, music and dancing populate the pavement to celebrate a very good season. Azafran could be the Spanish word for saffron.

    Peel from the lime and quickly chop the particular onion. Heat the butter and oil throughout frying pan and fry the particular peeled and squashed garlic and onion until golden. Include curry and cumin and cook for 2-3 minutes.

    Grading of saffron [] is conducted according to coloration, floral waste materials content and foreign subject. There are 3 grades regarding saffron: Mongra contains top rated most aspects of dried stigmas. Lacha is an element of stigma with design. Gucchi contains full stigmas with design tied throughout bundles.

    The reason saffron is so much will that it is the stamen of the flower that will require to be chosen by hand. Your stamen is part of the central aspects of a bloom. Namely the location that the plant pollen is settled on to fertilise the particular flower. Just about every flower only contains 3 of these stamens which are 5 to 2 cm prolonged and a few regarding millimetres wide. If they’re dried they are even smaller and lighter!

    Saffron Crocus belongs to the particular fall-blooming group. Your flowers and instead gives off begin to appear at the same time, typically around October. The grass-like simply leaves eventually reach a length regarding 1-1 1/2 feet, even so the 1 1/2-2 inch wide flowers climb barely greater than an inches above the surface. The good smelling flowers are lavender or perhaps reddish-purple with dispersing petals. Your styles have got three prolonged blood-red, drooping, stigma lobes, from which the particular yellow saffron tart is harvested. The anthers may also be bright orange but are not an origin of the tart.

    Turmeric tomatoes taste incredible. I used this menu from a menu in the delayed great Barbara Tropp’s book ‘China Moon’. If you like Oriental food obtain a copy regarding her book as the tested recipes are out of this world. Barbara Tropp presented this menu a Oriental twist however replaced the girl Chinese ingredients with substances that are used throughout Indian cookery. The result is a fresh tasting greens that really is one kind of my in history favourites.

    Lots of people believe that saffron has numerous health benefits. You will find claims which digestion may be greatly improved upon and that the particular spice is often a tremendous cleaning agent. It offers also been confirmed as a strong aphrodisiac in many china cultures. This can be due to the powerful scent.

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